Saturday 29 December 2012 | By: Gitarkin

15 Healthy New Year’s Resolutions (That You Can Actually Keep)

It’s that time of year. New Year’s Day is just a few days away, and that implies that it’s time to start planning for 2013. What do we want in the new year? What are our goals? What will it take to finally reach true happiness? Well, all of those things can include a healthier body, mind and spirit. Yes, we all know that most resolutions don’t stick. In fact, by the end of January, a third of us will have let our resolutions lapse. The reason? Our goals and strategies are often based more on willpower than on small, simple changes. So, to help you become healthier, happier and more fit in 2013, here are some New Year’s resolutions you can actually stick to:

1. Only eat when sitting down. It’s true, we tend to eat mindlessly and “graze” more when standing up. Sitting down encourages us to be present and eat with more focus–things that can prevent us from overeating.

2. Use small dinner plates. Using a smaller plate, research has shown, leads to taking smaller portions. If you’re trying to avoid overeating, this is a simple trick.

things to do

3. Park is the back row at the grocery store. If you routinely hit the grocery store two or three times a week, walking an extra quarter mile to and from the store is an easy way to get more exercise into your busy day. You can adopt this policy everywhere you park, or just at the grocery store for starters.

Friday 21 December 2012 | By: Gitarkin
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